A just energy transition: Why consumer energy resources and skilled electricians are the key

State and Federal consultations reflect the crucial need to shift towards a cleaner energy future while ensuring no one is left behind. Master Electricians Australia (MEA), believes that Consumer Energy Resources (CER) supported by a large pool of skilled electrical workers is a key to achieving this goal.


The challenge: Affordability, equity, and reliability

Government needs to ensure policies are designed to assist vulnerable households (i.e. low-income households, renters and apartment complexes) transition to CER.  Inequitable access to CER will prevent CER benefits from being fully optimised. MEA’s proposed solutions

  1. Make CER accessible: Subsidies for household solar and battery systems reduce upfront costs, ensuring the benefits of clean energy are not reserved for the wealthy. Financial institutions should also provide low-cost loans to assist households with the upfront capital costs required to install CER.
  2. Smart energy use: Time-of-Use tariffs reward consumers for storing solar power during the day and using it (or sending it back to the grid) during peak evening hours. this not only reduces energy costs, but also stabilises the grid as households become increasingly self-reliant for energy production thereby reducing demand pressures exerted onto the grid.
  3. The power of electric vehicles: With the right policies, electric vehicles (EVs) can act as a reservoir to store excess solar energy. Prioritising bi-directional charging capability (supported by time-of-use tariff policies) allows EVs to play a crucial role in enhancing the befits of CER ultimately reducing energy costs leading to increased household disposable income while alleviating network grid pressures.
  4. Invest in the future workforce: Electrification needs skilled electricians. Integrating electrical trades into secondary school curriculum through Vocational Education Training (VET) with equal weighting Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) which supports traditional academic paths, will likely attract and retention in the industry.


The importance of licensed electricians

Safety and quality are crucial.  MEA insists that licensed electricians be at the heart of this transition. Their expertise ensures:

  • Safe installations: Protects workers and the public for the lifespan of the system.
  • Reliable technology: Maximises the benefits and public confidence in CER.
  • Job creation: Builds a strong clean energy economy with good local jobs.


A just transition benefits everyone

By making CER accessible, harnessing smart energy practices, and building a skilled workforce, we can:

  • reduce energy costs which results in increased disposable income thereby sustainably improving the macro-economy.
  • Reduce reliance on centralised power sources
  • Create a resilient and sustainable energy grid


Let’s work together

MEA encourages all State and Federal Governments to integrate these solutions into their climate action plans. We urge citizens to support policies that promote CER and invest in the electricians who will build our clean energy future.



Read our recent advocacy submissions here. 

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