Outer suburbs overtake cities in Australia’s EV race

A new trend is emerging in Australia’s electric vehicle (EV) landscape. According to a recent ABC report, sales of EVs in outer suburban areas are now outpacing those in urban centres. This shift highlights several factors that homeowners and electricians should be aware of.

What’s driving the suburban EV boom?

  • Convenience: The ample space in garages and driveways in outer suburbs makes installing personal charging stations much more feasible than in densely populated cities.
  • Commuting costs: Longer daily commutes for many outer suburban residents make the potential savings from EVs even more attractive.
  • Charging accessibility: Though public charging infrastructure is growing, outer suburban homeowners value the ability to easily charge their vehicles overnight.

Implications for Electricians

This trend towards increased EV adoption in outer suburbs means a growing demand for skilled electricians. Here’s what electricians need to consider:

  • Installation boom: Electricians should expect more inquiries about residential EV charger installations as awareness of the suburban shift spreads.
  • Advisory roles: Homeowners may need guidance on the best charger types, load management, and potential integration with existing electrical systems or solar power.
  • Upskilling: Staying up-to-date on the latest EV charging technologies and regulations will be crucial for electricians to provide the best services.

Looking forward

It will be interesting to see how quickly the infrastructure and availability of electricians specialising in EV solutions can keep pace with demand in these areas. As EV technology improves and more affordable models become available, the outer suburban EV market is likely to continue its rapid expansion.

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