Why increasing staff engagement should be your business new year resolution 

Could engagement be the key to a prosperous new year? 

Article summary: Discover how enhancing employee engagement can transform your business in the New Year. Learn practical strategies and insights from industry leaders to boost morale, productivity, and retention, making your workplace a thriving environment for success. 

As the New Year approaches, businesses often look for fresh strategies to enhance productivity and success. One crucial area that demands attention is employee engagement. It’s not just about keeping your team happy; it’s about fostering an environment where they can thrive, innovate, and contribute meaningfully to your business’s growth. 

Understanding the current state of employee engagement is more crucial than ever. Insights from Deloitte and Harvard Business Review reveal a workforce increasingly seeking roles that offer more than just financial rewards. Employees now desire a deeper connection with their work, seeking roles that align with their personal values and offer a sense of purpose. 

  • Shift in workforce perspective: Employees are looking for roles that provide more than just a paycheck; they seek meaning and purpose in their work. 
  • Importance of value alignment: There’s a growing emphasis on finding a job that aligns with personal values and contributes to a larger goal. 
  • Desire for purposeful work: Today’s employees want to feel that their work is making a significant impact. 

Recognising these shifts is vital for businesses aiming to attract and retain top talent. Companies that understand and cater to these evolving needs are more likely to foster a committed and productive workforce. This new paradigm in employee engagement is not just a trend but a fundamental change in the employer-employee relationship. 


Why employee engagement matters more than ever 

The importance of employee engagement has been magnified by recent global events, including the “Great Resignation.” Engaged employees are not only more productive but also more likely to stay with their employer, reducing turnover costs. Studies consistently show a strong link between engagement, retention, and overall business performance. 

  • Direct correlation with retention: Engaged employees are more likely to stay, reducing turnover and associated costs. 
  • Boost in productivity: Higher engagement levels directly translate to increased productivity and better work quality. 
  • Impact on business performance: Engaged workforces contribute to better customer satisfaction, innovation, and profitability. 

Competition for talent is fierce, and the cost of turnover is high, employee engagement is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a strategic imperative. Businesses that prioritise engagement are setting themselves up for long-term success, with a loyal, motivated, and high-performing team. 


Strategies for boosting engagement 

Boosting employee engagement requires a multifaceted approach, combining recognition, professional development, and a positive work culture. The New Year presents an ideal opportunity to implement these fresh engagement activities. 

  • Recognition and rewards: Regularly acknowledging and celebrating employee achievements fosters a sense of accomplishment and belonging. 
  • Professional development: Providing opportunities for growth and learning keeps employees motivated and invested in their roles. 
  • Positive work culture: Cultivating an environment where employees feel valued and heard is essential for fostering engagement. 
  • Flexible Workweeks: Offering alternative schedules, such as a four-day workweek or nine-day fortnights, can revolutionize workplace dynamics, addressing workforce shortages, and enhancing employee engaging without altering full-time roles. To discover more about implementing flexible work schedules, check out this article.

Implementing these strategies can transform the workplace, creating a vibrant and dynamic environment where employees are excited to contribute. A well-engaged workforce is not only happier but also drives innovation and growth, making it a win-win for both employees and the business. 


Setting and achieving engagement goals 

Setting realistic and measurable engagement goals is key to any successful engagement strategy. Aligning these goals with overall business objectives ensures that engagement efforts contribute to the company’s success. Leadership commitment is crucial in this process, as leaders set the tone for the organisation’s culture and values. 

  • Goal alignment: Engagement goals should be in harmony with the company’s broader objectives and vision. 
  • Leadership involvement: Leaders must actively participate and demonstrate commitment to engagement initiatives. 
  • Regular feedback: Establishing a feedback loop helps in continuously improving engagement strategies and addressing employee concerns. 

By setting clear engagement goals and actively working towards them, businesses can create a more cohesive and motivated workforce. This not only enhances the work environment but also drives better business outcomes, making it a strategic priority for any forward-thinking organisation. 


As we step into the New Year, prioritising employee engagement is not just a resolution but a strategic necessity. An engaged workforce is the cornerstone of a thriving business, driving innovation, productivity, and growth. By embracing the strategies and insights outlined, businesses can foster a more engaged and motivated workforce, setting the stage for a prosperous and rewarding year ahead.

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